Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Woman's Wish List

A cup that only runneth over.
A whole yard full of four leafed clover.
Indian givers who don’t take back.
A gallon of water in a paper sack.

The ability to fly without a wing.
A hamper full of only clean things.
A smile that fades only at night.
A window that lets in only the light.

A car that runs on love alone.
Ice cream that doesn’t melt on the cone.
A self mopping floor, a self wiping table.
A guy who’ll give us completely free cable.

A computer that doesn’t lock up on a whim.
A flower that doesn’t wilt on the stem.
No expiration dates, no expired milk.
A self made bed completely of silk.

They think they have us figured out.
That they can please us, they have no doubt.
Oh honey, why do you look so sad?
This list isn't really all that bad.

Aww, babe don’t cry, it’ll be all right,
You’ll have to sleep there only one night.
The couch can be lumpy, and it’s no fun,
But that’s only because we need a new one.